sábado, 5 de agosto de 2006

Mas que droga. Eu não colo nunca!

Kelly Van Busum  <kvanbusum arr0b4 depauw p0nt0 edu> to me

Dear Priscilla Kurtz Vieira de, Note o nome incompleto
We regret to inform you that there are insufficient resources to fund your scholarship for the 2006 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Nearly 600 people applied for scholarships, and the applicant pool was very competitive. We appreciate the time you spent writing a thoughtful essay and submitting your application. Eu sei que o meu essay era uma bosta, mas, lendo o email, até que ela ficou bonitinha.
We hope that you will still consider attending conference, because the program is strong, the chances to network are beneficial and the sense of support from being in the company of several hundred women in computing is inspirational. We suggest that you consult a sympathetic person in your department in order to determine if you have exhausted all local opportunities to secure funding. Se ela soubesse que, agora, é o nazi no controle... Ela não diria isso.
Please register soon: The deadline for early registration (with a cost benefit) is August 15.
Thanks again for your application, and we hope to see you in San Diego.
The Grace Hopper Celebration 2006 Scholarship Committe

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