(15:45:02) Alberto: hauhauhauhauhua
(15:45:04) Alberto: libpri-1.4.0.tar.gz
(15:45:07) Alberto: nao sabia que tu tinha lib
(15:45:09) pri: ai que lindo!
(15:45:12) pri: nem eu!
(15:45:18) pri: o que isso faz?
(15:45:21) pri: ou melhor
(15:45:24) pri: o que a minh alib faz?
(15:45:43) Alberto: deixa eu ver
(15:45:56) Alberto: libpri: An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN Written by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
What is libpri?
libpri is a C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN specification. It was based on the Bellcore specification SR-NWT-002343 for National ISDN. As of May 12, 2001, it has been tested work with NI-2, Nortel DMS-100, and Lucent 5E Custom protocols on switches from Nortel and Lucent.
(15:46:08) pri: ai, escrito pelo boboca do mark spencer
(15:46:13) Alberto: ahahah
(15:46:16) Alberto: pq boboka ?
(15:46:21) pri: eu nao gosto dele
(15:46:27) pri: dizem as mas linguas que ele eh meio pedante
(15:46:42) Alberto: eh
(15:46:43) pri: e eu nao gosto de gente que nao vem no forum
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